3 Simple Tips to Shift your Relationship with Time from Stress to Growth

3 Simple Tips to Shift your Relationship with Time from Stress to Growth

3 Simple Tips to Shift your Relationship with Time from Stress to Growth

We hear about stress, but we seldom hear about time stress, That’s the stress we feel when we are being stretched in so many different directions; when we have to meet deadlines; when we have so many different commitments. You have been given 24 hours a day. All of us have been given the same amount of time. How are you spending your $24—I mean 24 hours? That question can best be understood by understanding your relationship with time.

Factors That Influence your Relationship with Time

Many factors influence your relationship with time.  Here are just three: age, technology, and culture.


As we get older, time seems to move quickly. According to Peter Mangan, a psychologist, that’s because the internal clock in our brains begins to slow down, allowing more time to pass by than we expected. As a result, this passage of time gives us the feeling that time is speeding up. So, we feel rushed and pressed for time.


Technology has also impacted our relationship with time. With the proliferation of smartphones and other devices, we are constantly connected and able to access information and communicate with others at any time.

This constant availability can lead to a faster perception of time, as we are always in a state of readiness and expectation. In addition, though it can help us manage our time on the flip side, it can contribute to information overload.  Information overload translates to an accumulation of stress.


Culture can also play a role in our relationship with time. Different cultures have varying attitudes towards time, with some valuing punctuality and promptness while others place a greater emphasis on social connections and relationships.

These cultural differences can influence how we experience time, with individuals from cultures who value punctuality tending to have a faster perception of time, while those from cultures that place a greater emphasis on social connections may have a slower perception of time (Mesquita &Frijda, 1992).

Understanding Your Relationship with Time

Understanding our relationship with time is critical to our health and well-being. These statements suggest a relationship with time that is stressed and overwhelming:

  • I don’t have time to exercise.
  • I don’t have time to cook a healthy meal.
  • I don’t have time to eat properly.
  • I don’t have time to relax.
  • I am so tired when I get home, I just want to do a brainless activity like watch TV, go online, or play a video game.

3 Tips to Shift your Relationship with Time from Stress to Growth

  • Become Aware

First, you have to become aware of your relationship with time. Take this quiz to find out your relationship with time. Get curious. What’s triggering this behaviour? Try to get curious about your behaviour without any judgment.

  • Examine yourself with compassion

  1. Are your expectations of yourself reasonable?
  2. Do you feel you must be Wonder Woman or Superman?
  3. Are you trying to please everyone?
  • Pause

Choose to slow down and exercise your power to make the choices you desire for the life you want. Being always busy can be likened to speed addiction. Our bodies want to feel the calm and peace of life, yet we stay moving quickly. Speed stands for Soul’s Purpose Eventually Eroding Daily. When our soul’s purpose eventually erodes daily, it leads to soullessness.

SOULESSNESS=Souls Overtime Ultimately Losing Energy, Sustainability, and Sustenance Needed Everyday, Systematically and Systemically.

To move from time stress to time growth, we have to allow time for self-reflection and development. The growth from our personal life will then flow into other areas of our lives such as our professional life.

Using these three tips, you can begin to shift your life from stress to growth.

Integrative health and wellbeing coaches are trained to guide clients through life’s changes. Although you certainly can make changes on your own, having a coach to partner with you provides accountability and consistency.

Sometimes it is easier to stay busy to avoid—boredom, certain emotions, or decisions. But if you want a life of vitality, peace and joy, invest your time into creating it.


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